皮肤纤维化测量仪 (SkinFibroMeter.SFM),Skinfibrometer皮肤纤维化测量仪


? 测量皮肤和上皮下组织的硬化
? 快速灵敏的测量
? 不改变皮肤结构
? 电池供电
? 用DMC软件wu线采集数据

皮肤和皮下硬结对于改变测量的组织结构的常规装置,测量组织硬化一直是具有挑战性的。 为了消除这种情况并引入快速实用的硬结测量,Delfin开发了新的便携式
SkinFibroMeter。SkinFibroMeter使用短暂压在皮肤上的压头。 皮肤尤其是皮下组织抵抗压头的外力引起的形状的变化。 短期负荷下的皮肤反应表明组织硬化te性。


? 评估皮肤和皮下硬结
? 水肿的情况
? 皮肤研究和临床试验
? 医疗应用
? 个人护理行业

Unique indentation instrument for tissue induration measurements

Measuring tissue induration has been challenging with conventional devices that alter the measured tissue structure. To eliminate this and to introduce a quick and practical induration measurement, Delfin has developed the new portable SkinFibroMeter.

The SkinFibroMeter utilizes an indenter that is briefly pressed on the skin. The skin and especially the subcutaneous tissue resist the change in shape to external force of the indenter. The skin response under a short-term load indicates tissue induration properties.

The SkinFibroMeter consists of a 1.25 mm length indenter, a reference plate and related built-in force sensors. The device is briefly pressed against the skin and the contact pressure is registered. The indenter imposes a constant deformation when the reference plate is in full contact with the skin. The skin and the underlying upper subcutis resist the deformation and the induration value in Newtons (N) is determined.