Flexcell® FX-5000™ Tension System
Price:Please call:86-10-67529703
Culturing Cells in a Mechanically Active Environment

For 20 years, Flexcell® International Corporation has specialized in designing and manufacturing products to service the Cytomechanics marketplace. Cytomechanics is the field of study investigating cellular responses to mechanical loads. Flexcell®takes pride in the quality of our products and in the service we provide to our customers. We welcome you to our site to learn more about how you can expand your research capabilities.

FX-5000 Tension

Flexcell® FX-5000™ Tension System 

A computer-regulated bioreactor that uses vacuum pressure to apply cyclic or static strain to cells cultured on flexible-bottomed culture plates (see Fig. 1 below). 

  • Analyze biochemical changes in response to strain in cells from muscle, lung, heart, vascular vessels, skin, tendon, ligament, cartilage, and bone.
  • Uses vacuum pressure to deform a flexible-bottomed culture plate yielding up to 33% substrate elongation (see table below).
  • Applies a defined, controlled, static or cyclic deformation to cells growing in vitro.
  • Control of the vacuum pump with the FX-5000™ software.
  • Compatible with Windows 7.

Equibiaxial Strain
Figure 1: Application of equibiaxial strain with the FX-5000™ Tension System to cells plated in the well of a BioFlex® culture plate.